The UEFA Football Chance programme participants represent southeast inner-city Dublin. They have been selected to take part in the programme based on their involvement in the local community and also based on how much this programme will have an impact on them as individuals.
They will engage in an 18-month programme to improve team building, trust, community involvement and becoming role models in their communities.
They are all the 14-15 age group and are part of larger group who have been selected.
2 main activities are presented in the pictures below:
Playing with and without rules. The outcome of this activity is to show the importance of having rules and boundaries, the game is started as a normal football match with no rules. After a certain amount of time a rule is introduced by players one by one until we have a full set of rules. This is to show how important it is to have rules and to respect rules in our lives. The players soon realise after the game is started of the importance of having boundaries and rules.
Teaming up. The outcome of this activity is to increase trust and communication between the participants. By one player guiding another through an obstacle course set out on the pitch, they are blindfolded and then guided by a partner. This opens the discussion of how important it is to trust in each other and the importance of good communication.