The Tecuci branch of Semper Musica Association announce the launch of the international project "We fight against discrimination in Romania through non-formal education and football", an initiative funded by FARE international network and organized in partnership with the Galati County Directorate for Sports and Youth, the Galati County Students Council and the Romanian Football Federation (FRF).

Football People action weeks is an international movement aiming to increase the awareness of discrimination in football in communities that host sporting competitions, to develop common action in this respect and to identify ideas and practices that reduce marginalization ad exclusion.

The project initiated by the Tecuci branch of Semper Musica Association under the umbrella of FARE seeks to identify 27 high school students in Galati County and inform them on various issues related to discrimination, non-formal education and strategies for organizing football matches. After going on a training camp, they will organize 27 public events combining football and various other subjects in an unconventional manner to raise the awareness of people with regard to the level of discrimination in football and not only.

For an hour, former international football player Miodrag Belodedici participated in a videoconference, discussing from the House of Football with the 27 students gathered in Galati. The former member of the national football team spoke to the participants about the beginning of his football career, shared his football and life experiences and offered them advice on how to make their future actions more attractive and useful. Florin Șari, FRF Social Responsibility and Good Governance Manager, and Diana Pirciu, marketing specialist with FRF, also participated in the discussion and provided to the young people information on the anti-discrimination strategy developed by FRF and on other means that they could use to achieve the objectives defined.