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Address: Calea Giulești 18, Bucharest
Capacity: 14.047 seats
The modern arena on which Rapid plays its home games was inaugurated in March 2022 and is located on the site of the old "Valentin Stănescu" stadium. After the reconstruction, the stadium meets the UEFA criteria for category IV in the classification of stadiums. The new arena also includes an athletics track, a fitness room, administrative spaces, shops, media and VIP spaces.
Address: Mărăști 18-20 Bd, Bucharest
Capacity: 8.155 seats
The arena, located next to one of the most important and iconic tourist attractions in Bucharest, The Arch of Triumph, was completely renovated during 2018-2020, on the occasion of the EURO 2020 matches in the capital of Romania. Although it was used during the final tournament only as a training ground, the stadium benefits from the most modern conditions, and starting in 2022 it has also become the "home" of the Romanian Women's National Football Team.
Address: Erou Niță Pintea Street, Voluntari
Capacity: 4.600 seats
The stadium in Voluntari was renovated in 2016, when the playing surface was redone, a night installation was purchased, and the capacity of the arena increased from 2,100 seats to 4,600. Once the renovation process was completed, the arena received the name of Anghel Iordănescu, former Romanian footballer and one of the most successful Romanian coaches, former National Team manager. It is the arena on which the FC Voluntari team plays.
Address: Stadionului 26 Street, Ploiești
Capacity: 15.073 seats
Built on the site of the old city stadium, originally inaugurated in 1937, the arena in Ploiesti opened in 2009, in the form of a modern stadium, to the highest European standards. Petrolul Ploiești, one of the traditional teams in Romanian football, plays its home matches here.
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